Delve into
Shape-Note Singing

Welcome to SING LOUD!, your ultimate guide to the captivating world of shape-note singing. Dive deep into our rich resources designed for both newcomers and veterans alike, and be inspired to explore the harmonic beauty of the singing and social traditions associate with The Sacred Harp and other tunebooks.

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Explore our blog for articles, insights, and resources that enlighten and inspire shape note singers.

An enthusiasts project
for other enthusiasts.

Welcome to, an educational project created by shape-note singing enthusiasts to share the joy, history, and community of this unique musical tradition. Whether you’re a newcomer curious about the rich harmonies of Sacred Harp or an experienced singer looking to deepen your knowledge, is here to inspire and inform. Our mission is to provide clear, accessible resources that celebrate the diversity and beauty of shape-note singing, while fostering connections among singers of all backgrounds. Dive in to explore tunebooks, singing techniques, and the vibrant stories behind this timeless tradition, and join us in keeping these powerful voices alive for generations to come.

A note

This website and resources are geared mainly for four-shape shape-note singing, though not wholly restricted to it.

If you would like to help develop tools and resources, inclusing for seven-shape singers, please get in touch!